

LINEEX uses oTree for behavioural experimental research
oTree: main features
A programming platform which lets you create controlled experiments for behavioural research in different fields such as economics, market research or psychology.
- Requires no software installed on the participant's device.
- Runs on any device with a browser (computer, tablet, smartphone).
- Easy to be translated to multiple languages.
- Possibility of running online sessions with unlimited number of participants.
- It is possible to monitor the live progress of the experiment through the admin interface.
- A chat room may be added so that participants can communicate with each other. Each one will be identified with a nickname (player 1, player 2...) to ensure anonimity.
- With Kiosk mode participants won't be able to open other web pages, leave the browser or view the address bar URL. Also, if they press any button by mistake the current page in the experiment will simply be redisplayed. This tool is available in the majority of web browsers.
- Go to oTree official website.