Scientific solutions for research development
Scientific solutions for research development

Experimental Design
A full understanding of the research needs makes the initial design a key factor on project efficiency and success.
Our behavioural and experimental economics consultants will help to develop your idea.

Software Testing
Before executing or delivering any software, LINEEX needs to validate it.
The objective is to reduce risks while running real sessions, avoid unexpected failures and ensure a smooth running.
LINEEX testing approval is the sign that makes software suitable for session running.

Lab Running
Up to 64 workstations running all at once and 5 servers for different treatments.
Each session is supported by:
> 1 IT Manager making sure the software runs smoothly
> 1 Lab Manager to guarantee proper undestanding of subjects
> 2 Research Assistants to identificate participants and manage payments
When running Lab sessions a 61-step experimental protocol is strictly applied to make sessions' development clean and smooth.

Online Running
LINEEX develops technology to run the same methodology anywhere in the world.
Online running is recommended for running thousands of experiments in different locations with no need of synchronisation.

Mobile Running
No matter where your target is or the available technology, the Mobile Lab brings the Lab to the desired location.
Recommended for running sessions in company's headquarters, public institutions or complex environments.
Mobile phones and tablets.

Pool Recruitment
LINEEX develops its own recruitment strategies.
Currently, more than 25K potential cleared participants are included within the database, and this figure is continuously growing.
LINEEX can apply different filters to recruit the most suitable sample for the needs of your research and avoid biased behaviour.
We do recruit english speakers.
Can we help?
Contact us and the LINEEX team will give further information